Writers Tricks of the Trade Vol. 5, Issue 4 | Page 28

PRESS “CONTROL” THEN CLICK “BUY” TO PURCHASE THE BOOK AN INTERESTING EXCHANGE ABOUT MEMOIRS (CONT’D) conference calls, email formats from as we paperback to hardcover. non-fiction, and and in person trade helped Bella compile her memories working together over the period of more than a year. the book is in first person. the credit was supposed to be "Bella Capo as told to Morgan St. James and Dennis N. Griffin" but that isn't the way the publisher designed the cover. she will be writing another book and the credit will be correct. just wanted to set the record straight. 6/24, 6:46 pm Thank you for your comments Morgan. However, it still doesn't alter the fact that the book is described by yourself and at least two book sites as a Biography, so the XXX rule of " . . . NO SELF-PROMOTION. Please don't mention your books/products/blogs/websites or put links to them.", still stands. 6/24, 10:30 pm I know I must seem like I'm beating a dead horse, and I'm not asking you to list the book as you've clearly stated your decision. However, I must ask you where you found the book listed as a biography, because I have never listed is or described it as anything but a memoir or Bella's true story. The only thing I could find is that it is on Amazon under a catchall category of Biographies and Memoirs. I could not find a genre on Goodreads or Barnes & Noble. This is important to me if it is listed incorrectly on some sites. If it is listed as a biography in some places, I need to visit them and somehow correct them. The publisher listed the book on various sites and they might have done that. If so, I need to contact them and ask them to correct it. Sorry this has turned into a marathon, but I would appreciate your telling me where you saw those listings. I would not have known about this if you hadn't alerted me, and thanks for that. 6/24, 10:33 pm One more question. If you are not listing this book, may I list CAN WE COME IN AND LAUGH, TOO? It is my mother's memoir written by her when she was 80 about growing up in a zany family of 10 kids in the early 1900s through the 1980s. However, there is a section in the back where family members recalled memories of her. She passed away in 2006 nearing her 97th birthday. 6/25, 12:33 am Hi Morgan - You are absolutely right that it is only on Amazon where the book is listed under Biography and Memoirs. My apologies for the previous incorrect information. Much research was done on the internet around the book and at this stage of the evening, I cannot remember all the sites visited or discussed by the Moderators. However I do recall an interview on Simon Duringer's blog, where the book was frequently referred to as a Biography. On Goodreads, you say "She gifted me and Dennis N. Griffin with the responsibility of helping tell her story . . . " Morgan, it is a story written by two authors, as told/shared with them, by the person the story is about, that therefore makes it a Biography, not a Memoir. As for the answer to your second question about your Mother's book, it would not be something that you could promote on XXX as you have a direct involvement in it. At that point, the cat-and-mouse game was over. I decided it would be more beneficial to spend my time doing a little more research relative to the differences between memoirs, autobiographies and biographies. And, by the way, I’m not talking about the short bios people use to describe themselves on author pages, webpages, resumes and the like. I’m talking about someone writing a book about their true story or someone helping to write a book that is not their own life story. After that marathon exchange, it was important to ensure that anything I choose to include in my Conference presentation or input as a panel member be accurate. WRITERS’ TRICKS OF THE TRADE PAGE 17 THE RADIO SHOW IS PRESENTED BY WRITERS OF SOUTHERN NEVADA WATCH FOR NEWS ABOUT COLD COFFEE PRESS HTTP0://WWW.COLDCOFF EEPRESS.COM THERE IS MORE TO WRITERS TRICKS OF THE TRADE  BLOG  BOOK  EZINE  RADIO SHOW  FACEBOOK JULY-AUGUST 2015