Writers Tricks of the Trade SPRING 2017 ISSUE 2, VOLUME 7 | Page 10

Morgan’s Corner ( Cont’d ) On March 4 I presented a Memoir Workshop at Paseo Verde Library under an educational grant they received. Every seat was filled and the audience was very attentive. Have I mentioned before that I love giving workshops? It is a real joy to know that I have helped attendees learn something about the topic. In many cases a lot of what I present wasn’t learned from books. I learned from things that backfired for me or were very successful. Those are lessons you never forget. Sometimes books don’t prepare you for the crazy things that can go wrong. That’s why I’ve always liked taking classes or workshops from people actively working in the field. As the trite saying goes, “They have walked the walk.” The same goes for anything you are studying. When I studied interior design back in the days I was an interior designer, I always got more from instructors who were active designers or working in the field. Then on March 16 I was on a panel jointly presented by Las Vegas Writers Group and Writers of Southern Nevada. “Finding Your Audience.” It was great because each of us on the panel had different approaches and different types of experiences to bring to the table. Speaking of different approaches and experiences, in this issue we welcome three new con- ributors. Former L.A. Times and Los Angeles Mirror reporter Hal Morris, who reminisces “Journalism in the Typewriter Era,” Robert W. Walker—author of 70 novels who wrote his first novel in high school, and Jeri Westerson, author of the award-winning medieval Crispin Guest mysteries. Many thanks to all the readers who support this magazine. Keep writing! Morgan and Dylan the Dog A SSOCIATE E DITOR D YLAN THE D OG , A SSOCIATE E DITOR S PRING 2017 P AGE 2 W RITERS ’ T RICKS OF THE TRADE