Writers Tricks of the Trade Issue 3 Volume 9 | Page 9

ously work for some people. If not, at least they’re a great exercise to help hone your chops. They’re a spirit-quashing tool for me reeking of outlining, but I’m not everyone. M Y P LOTTING C OMES O UT O RGANICALLY If you’ve read any of my other articles, you know how I work. If not, I’ll repeat: I know where I want to start and where I want to end. Everything in the middle is a total sur- prise. My plots develop from that. The last thing I want to do is pre- analyze, outline or in any other way, suck the life right out of my inspiration (polka- dot sewer). I leave that for the more analyt- ical crowd. I’m not that mercenary in my approach. I write because I love to, and I do it for my- self, first and foremost. For example, I’m having a blast writing this article. You have to follow your muse and if plot matrixes are for you, there’s plenty of liter- ature out there. I urge you to at least check them out to see if they’ll either help or hin- der you. Happy writing! Fred F RED R AYWORTH FOUND HIS PASSION FOR WRITING IN 1995. H E HAS BEEN A REGULAR CONTRIBUTOR TO W RITERS T RICKS OF THE T RADE FOR SEVERAL YEARS NOW , ALWAYS OFFERING SAGE ADVICE , OR HIS OWN SPIN THAT MAY RAISE QUESTIONS ABOUT TECHNIQUES THAT HAVE BEEN THE STANDARD . WWW . FREDRAYWORTH . COM E DITOR ’ S N OTE : In case you are wondering about these basic plots, here is something to consider. Like Fred, I do not employ a matrix, but many find these guidelines helpful. ness, manages to fulfill that potential. N INE P LOTS Y OU C AN A DAPT T O Y OUR G EN- RE O VERCOMING THE M ONSTER : The protagonist is pitted against an antagonist who repre- sents a threat to the community or the mis- sion. The protagonist must destroy it or stop it and escape. Sometimes this results in some sort of reward. R AGS TO R ICHES : Someone who seems quite commonplace or downtrodden at first glance, but displays the potential for great- F ALL 2019 T HE Q UEST : The protagonist embarks on a long journey to obtain a great prize or re- sult, often encountering and conquering obstacles along the way. V OYAGE AND R ETURN : The protagonist jour- neys to a strange world that seems en- chanting at first, but evolves to something so threatening he/she finds they must es- cape and return home to safety. C OMEDY : A community divided by frustra- P AGE 4 W RITERS ’ T RICKS OF THE T RADE