Writers Tricks of the Trade Issue 3 Volume 9 | Page 8

PLOTTING AND INSPIRATION F RED R AYWORTH S OME OF US HAVE AN EASY TIME WITH PLOTTING , OTHERS STRUGGLE TO FIND JUST THE RIGHT ONE . W HAT INSPIRES US ? WHAT TOOLS CAN WE USE TO JUMP START THE PRO- CESS ? P LOTTING IS WHERE THE STORY BEGINS . F RED DISCUSSES HIS TAKE ON THIS PER- TINENT TOPIC . O ne of my earliest articles was called Coming Up With A Plot. I wrote it back in December, 2011. I’ve often thought about plotting and inspiration and what some people go through to try to be differ- ent. some people get bored with seeing the same plots. That’s especially true with a se- ries and with genres. Writers are the same way. “I’m bored. I want something differ- ent!” Hence, the plot matrix. L IMITED C HOICES There’s been analyses done ad- nauseum on the intricacies of plotting, there are even a list, a chart, a something on how many plots there are. I think a some- one, or someones even devised a wheel you could spin to pick a plot path based on the basics and a few random variables. So, that would make you believe there are only those basic plots and the only thing you can do, as an author, is vary how you use them. You can mix them up a bit, and that’s about it. W HAT A BOUT T HE M USE – Y OUR P ERSONAL P OLKA - D OT S EWER ? The way I look at it is like this. If I have to force myself to use a plot matrix, just to be different, and lose my inspiration just so someone isn’t bored – if I have to lose my voice to pander to someone who will prob- ably be bored anyway, why bother? On the other hand, this matrix tech- nique might be the perfect spark someone needs to inspire them. We all work in different ways and while it quashes my inspiration, it might be the spark to help another writer create the best thing they’ve ever written. I’d say look into the plot matrixes and don’t just dismiss them right off. See if they’re something you can use. They obvi- S AY W HAT ? When I reach for my “polka-dot sewer,” do any of you think the first thing I worry about is the old handy plot matrix? Are you kidding? S AME O LD S AME O LD The problem I see with plotting is that F ALL 2019 P AGE 3 W RITERS ’ T RICKS OF THE T RADE