Writers Tricks of the Trade Issue 3 Volume 9 | Page 32

NEWS 7 WAYS BOOK PUBLISHING WILL CHANGE OVER THE NEXT FEW YEARS M IKE S HATZKIN F OUNDER AND CEO OF I DEA L OGICAL COMPANY T HIS BLOG POST BY M IKE S HATZKIN WAS DATED O CTOBER 8, 2019. S INCE IT REFLECTS THE STATE OF OUR INDUSTRY , IT IS REPRINTED HERE WITH PERMISSION . A prior post described the new structure of the book publishing ecosystem. In the past three decades, we have migrated away from a world where a publisher needed to own a substantial infrastructure to deliver printed books to thousands of retail locations. And “back then” and for most of the time since, most book readers both found the books they wanted and purchased them in those stores. B oth the market and the nature of the infrastructure have changed. Now more than half the book sales and an even greater amount of the “discovery” takes place online and a lot of the discovery and a lion’s share of the purchases happen at a single account: Amazon. You don’t need a big organization to cover a single account F ALL 2019 nor a big infrastructure to service it. The other half of the sales in the US, and sales around the world, are now facilitated by another single account, Ingram Content Group. Ingram provides every component of the fixed-cost infrastructure that any book publisher requires and, in fact, provides all P AGE 28 W RITERS ’ T RICKS OF THE T RADE