Writers Tricks of the Trade ISSUE 1, VOLUME 9 | Page 20

      C ULL C ONTACTS : Develop your Rolodex by adding quality recipients from media directories. You reference li- brarian can help you find amazing resources that list every newspaper or every magazine in the US. A good research librarian is like a shark; she’s tireless and once she has her teeth in something, she won’t give up until she has what she wants. E TIQUETTE COUNTS : Send thank-you notes to contacts after they’ve fea- tured you or your book. This hap- pens so rarely they are sure to be impressed and to pay attention to the next idea you have, even if it’s just a listing in a calendar for your next book signing. P ARTNER WITH YOUR PUBLICIST AND PUBLISHER : Ask for help from their promotion department—even if it’s just for a sample press release. P UBLICIZE WHO YOU ARE , WHAT YOU DO : Reviewers aren’t the only way to go. What if you’re very young? What if writing a book is a new endeavor for you? What if you are a senior and therefore qualify for the many sites and weekly newspapers aimed at that demographic? Several editors have liked the idea that I wrote my first book at an age when most are thinking of retiring, that I think of myself as an example of the fact that it is never too late to follow your dream. D EVELOP NEW ACTIVITIES TO PUBLICIZE : Don’t do just book signings. Use your imagination for a spectacular S PRING 2019 P AGE 15     launch. Get charities involved. Think in terms of ways to help your com- munity. All the profits from my newest poetry book, Imperfect Ech- oes, goes to Amnesty International. And I let my audience know about that. S END PROFESSIONAL PHOTOS WITH YOUR RE- LEASE : Request guidelines from your target media. It never hurts to send a Kodak (or iPhone) moment— properly labeled—along with your release. F REQUENCY IS IMPORTANT : The editor who ignores your first release may pay more attention to your second or twenty-fifth. She will come to view you as a source and call you when she needs to quote an expert. This can work for novels, too. I re- ceived a nice referral in my local newspaper because I am now an “expert” on prejudice, even though my book was a novel and not a how- to book. I am now writing poetry with tolerance as a theme and that adds to my credibility as a source. F OLLOW U P : Shel Horowitz, author of Grassroots Marketing: Getting No- ticed in a Noisy World, reports that follow-up calls boost the chances of a press release being published. Voice contact builds relationships better than any other means of communication. K EEP CLIPPINGS : Professional publicists like Debra Gold keep clipping for their clients; you do it so you’ll W RITERS ’ T RICKS OF THE T RADE