Writers Tricks of the Trade Issue 1 Volume 8 | Page 25

L IFE S TORIES : C AN W E C OME I N AND L AUGH , T OO ? (C ONT ’ D ) Well, when he showed it to my mother and explained the reason he bought it, she agreed it was a good buy and would mean less trips to the kitchen to refill it. The next day my mother served him soup in his new bowl. When he finally got to the end of the soup, guess what? He noticed that all the flowers were gone. He called my mother over and pointed to the unadorned bowl. "Mathilda, look! Where have the flowers gone?” My mother looked at the empty bowl, and sure enough, the flowers had disappeared along with the soup. As disappointed as he was, they both had a really good laugh. That is how my family was. They laughed when something went wrong instead of complaining. Rosetta at the Beach with Her Banjo - 1927 Pajama Party with Her Co-Workers - 1929 W RITERS ’ T RICKS OF THE T RADE P AGE 17 S PRING 2018