Writers Tribe Review: Sacrifice Writers Tribe Review, Vol. 2, Issue 2 | Page 32

If I Die In Winter

By Charles Thomas

Don’t arrange the funeral before ten on a Saturday morning

It’s cold in winter; let the poor buggers who’ve got to come

Snuggle a little longer. I know I’d wish to

And try to make the whole thing at least


—And, sure, sombre too if you have to

I’d be dead a lot happier

Knowing it was sombre-but-entertaining-entertaining-but-sombre

And don’t arrange a burial

Whatever you do no burial

It’s wet in winter; let the poor buggers who’ve got to come

Stay huddled together inside a building—even a church-building will do

Some place where it’s at least not wet

And no praises, please

Please, no praises

Whatever you do, no praises

Not that I’m undeserving

But in my life, every good I’ve ever done

Has been cancelled out by the un-good I’ve ever done

If you have to sing any praises

Then do it for my heroes—

Trotsky, Lenin, Marx and Engels

Steinbeck, Hemingway

And maybe Neruda

In fact, especially Neruda—sing his praises to the heights of Macchu Picchu.

Warm snacks for the after-party, yummy!

I’d like a winter death

For the warm snacks at the after-party

Oh, I can just picture the geselligheid – that would be the best of all