Worship Musician JulAug16 | Page 36

I believe it is safe to say that technology has become a major tool for almost every church to use during their worship service . This is not only true in America , but across the globe . There are churches located in remote locations with limited or no electricity , so they probably aren ’ t using much in the way of technology . But even those churches would like to have some sort of technology if it were available . Let ’ s face it , we are a culture that loves our tech and we want to use it every chance we get . In churches today there are several different types of tech being used .
LIGHTING Lighting for the general congregation has been used since the beginning of electricity . But now churches are using different brightness levels to enhance the desired “ mood ”. I see many churches dim their lighting during the singing portion of the service and brighten the lighting during the sermon portion . In the last few years robotic or moving-head lighting is being used to cast laser or beam lighting across the stage and the congregation . Along with this strategy smoke and fog machines have been introduced at some churches to enhance the effect of this type of lighting .
SOUND Nearly every church has some sort of sound
system in place . However , I ’ m starting to notice that more often than not sound technicians are using features such as reverb to enhance the vocalist ’ s voice depth . Another change I ’ m seeing is churches are replacing their analog soundboards for digital to capture the convenience of the presets as well as the downloadable features of that tech .
PROJECTION The days of the overhead projector are pretty much gone . ( My apologies to those that still may be using this tech ). My observation is that churches are either using a computer and projector to send text , scripture , songs , and video messages , or they have decided to project nothing at all .
ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECTION This tech is really catching on in many churches across the country . The concept is to use the projection screens as a source to change the color or concept of the stage theme . This can be done with a single screen and projector or multiple screens and projectors working in tandem .
EFFECTIVE USE AND PURPOSE OF TECH So we ’ ve touched on some sources of tech churches are using , but the question of “ why use it ” needs to be addressed . This could be effectively debated from both sides of the aisle so knowing your congregational demographic needs to be considered . I do know this for sure ; if you decide to integrate a tech change to your congregation , do it slowly and in incremental stages . Remember that 10 % of all people love change , 10 % loath change , and 80 % will accept change if it ’ s done with purpose and at a pace that matches the culture . Also only allow tech in your service that enhances the worship experience between the attendee and Christ . The tech you use will not be sustainable if it ’ s simply entertainment or distracting . Tech is just a tool , so use it to allow worship to flow naturally and let it be honoring to God .
CHUCK PAGE Partner and General Manager of GoFishMedia , LLC . Involved with technology for over 15 years and worship for over 20 years .
www . GoFishMedia . net
36 Jul � Aug 2016 WorshipMusician . com