Worldkustom 2015 March English | Page 13

When you thought you had seen everything… Ron Koontz from Pine Island came out from nowhere. The sun reflecting in the hot varnish hit the camera lense like lightning, made it almost impossible to shoot! It took five years and 180 clamps. The fuel tank is entirely made out of birch. Those Americans.

The vehicle was a sparkling, glowing object consisting of 260 incredible well shaped wooden parts. He has taken craft and domestic art to another level. Ron has a Bachelor degree in arts and crafts. He got the idéa for the car back in 1970 but then the gas crisis struck in 1972 and the believed the hotrod area would die out.

Then rang the wedding bells, two kids soon came along, two houses and thereafter he started building boats. In 1993 he moved to the sun and in 1997 he felt like:

– Well, I’m goanna go ahead and buid me that car.