Worldkustom 2015 June English | Page 36

By: Lars Krantz

Bollnas Motor Revy is blooming . The 35 year anniversary was a party for real. Stylish automotive, famous faces, great bands, great people and the ice cream truck! The Colossal kustom we will tell you more about but first...

The Lincoln monter type sleazy car dealer on the corner of Palm Springs 1964 with Continentals for $ 700 was a refreshing approach. Readers are asked to take everything with a grain of salt. I do not know why but this spring is brighter and more beautiful. Elmia this year was better than last year. Bollnas Motor Revy was better. The weather, the people, the party, vehicles, Sheet metal Conny, the announcer, Zackes Chrysler and Pia Jantunen, everyone and everything was prettier than ever this year.