#WORLDCLASS Leader | Page 42

Kenney College specializes in the instruction of practicing The learning methodology employed by Kenney College is unique entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs. Dr. Matthew G. Kenney within academia as they tailor the delivery of course materials to is the author of several books and numerous peer-reviewed the particular learning style of entrepreneurs. For example, many articles in marketing, management, and entrepreneurship entrepreneurs have a kinesthetic learning style, which essentially journals. Kenney College is an online institution of higher means they learn best by taking an active role in the learning education. All synchronous and asynchronous communication process rather than passively listening or observing classroom between students and faculty is conducted via a virtual campus. lectures. Students work with their professors to determine how Students have 365 day per year access to the following: they’re going to reach the outcomes prescribed in the syllabus. The A comprehensive digital library of e-books, periodicals and goal is to assure that students reach measurable course outcomes. leading journals, access to classrooms featuring As entrepreneurs themselves, Kenney College discussion boards, multimedia presentations, faculty knows that there may be many paths web links and interaction with fellow students, to achieving outcomes and strive to give the asynchronous discuss boards and threads, real student an active role in identifying those paths. time participation and virtual interaction with Essentially, students are given the academic professors, archived chat sessions offering the freedom to work with faculty members to ability to review student/faculty verbal and visual structure assignments around their particular communications. interests and passions. How is Kenney College able to provide 100% tuition scholarships to the self-employed in 2015? Who is qualified for the scholarship? Any student accepted into the MBA The historical mission of higher education program in 2015. Our admissions qualifi- is to teach, research, and serve. Colleges cations are detailed in our course catalog, have traditionally generated revenue which can be downloaded via www. through tuition, which subsidizes faculty kenneymba.com. research. We hold true to the mission of academia. However, we believe it is more economical—and better for faculty, What are the benefits to students and communities from 100% tuition scholarships? students and society—when research subsidizes tuition. We generate revenue by performing corporate entrepreneurship related research and development for estab- Economic data suggests an MBA is an excellent investment towards increasing one’s lifetime earnings and employability. However, it is also a sizable investment. lished companies. In turn, we use a By helping our students with their tuition, portion of our income to subsidize student we are helping their families, and their tuition. We keep enrollment limited so businesses. Every dollar we invest in our that we can keep costs low, and provide students has an economic value-added maximum value. benefit for their communities. The exact 4 2 W O R L D C L A S S M AG A Z I N E S . C O M | JA N UA RY 2 0 1 5