#WORLDCLASS Leader | Page 34

Erica Peitler’s career spans over two decades of success in the pharmaceutical industry, to writing two books, to her current role as a Leadership Performance Coach. She is a pharmacist by education and training. After graduating from UCONN, she immediately forged a career in the healthcare industry specializing in marketing and working on iconic brands such as Advil®, TUMS ®, ALEVE ® and Bayer Aspirin®. Erica defines success as, “…meaningful, engaging, and impactful.” By the age of 38, Erica had become one of the youngest women consider what her next big adventure would be. During that on a Divisional global leadership team in her industry. She time, she went on an exciting personal learning journey taking didn’t get there by being a passive participant. Rather, Erica classes, practicing yoga and journaling intensely. It was then that has been interested in leadership since childhood and enjoyed she confirmed that leadership was her true passion. Ms. Peitler watching the different leadership practices and styles she was became a certified leadership coach and wrote her first book, Open surrounded by as she developed her own unique leadership up and Say aaah! In this book, Erica shares her insights about voice and style. As a young executive, Ms. Peitler chose not to transitions outlining how to figure out where you are, consider- focus on the male/female dynamic in the workplace and never ing what changes you might choose to make, and making the acknowledged the existence of a glass ceiling, so she felt she roadmap clear for what is next and how to get there. didn’t have to break through it. Ms. Peitler is the founder and CEO of her own Leadership Consulting After attaining a high level of success with her work in the firm where for the last eight years she has worked with over 25 pharmaceutical industry, Erica chose to take a year off and CEOs and hundreds of executives of both small-to-medium 3 4 W O R L D C L A S S M AG A Z I N E S . C O M | JA N UA RY 2 0 1 5