You know why people don’t get what they want? Because they As tony Robbins says, “If you talk about it, it’s a dream, if you do not know what they want! They often say, “I want more money, envision it, it’s possible, but if you schedule it, it’s real.” There are I want to loose weigh, I just want to be happy. “ But these state- five major keys to success. Again, it can be your finances, health, ments have no power unless you know exactly what you want, relationship, happiness and any other areas of your life. You are how you want it, why you want it, and by when you want it. You to implement these five keys into your everyday life in order to need to be as detailed as possible. achieve anything you desire. 02. Destroy your limiting believes and create a new empowering story! I don’t have time to exercise. I don’t have enough money to buy organic food. Economy is getting worse and worse, so I will never be wealthy. I am already in debt, why even bother. May be next year they will come up with a magic pill to loose weigh. 01. Raise your standards! This is first and most crucial step to progress your life. And as we know, progress equals happiness. Raise your standards in all areas of your life! If you want financial success- raise your So which one are you? What is your story? Because your story is just a story that can be changed in a heart bit. You and I, all of us have been stock with limiting believes at one point in life. We all have different fabricated stories in our mind that keep us prisoners. Do you know what is the single most powerful force that controls your life? It is a power of choice. So choose right now, my friend, to make the decision to change your life forever. Choose to let go of your old story, your excuse, and step into a new world, a world of possibilities and freedom. Break free from your limiting believes that paralyze you and keep you from taking actions. fitness standard as well. Everything is You can say to yourself, “I am not smart enough, I am not pretty enough, and I was interconnected. You can’t be overweigh not born as a trust fund, so I’ll never be wealthy and successful.” Or you can say to couch potato and be successful. You yourself, “I have the power to make a decision right now to change my life. All I can be overweigh and wealthy, but need is within me now. Everything is ‘figureoutable’, and I will do whatever it takes you are not successful in that case. to reach this goal!” The choice is yours, my friend. Remember, your decision deter- Success means mastery in all areas mines your destiny! of your life. As a matter of fact, look at your body right now. Your physical shape is a direct reflection of your standards! If you are not happy with your physique, make a decision right now to change! Your destiny is determined by your decisions! You have the power to say, “No more! Enough is enough!” and change your life! We have been conditioned not to stand out and follow the crowd since our childhood. You and I are and all human beings addicted to problems. Moreover your problem is that you think you should not have any problems. When you achieve something great, people say, “easy for you”, they cannot relate. But when something bad happens, when you have a problem, they say, “I understand, I have this and that as well.” Now they connect with you. Problems are vehicles that connect human beings. Now it is the time to change that! What if you take everything as a gift? Every single problem is a gift in life, a new experience and an opportunity to grow. A problem is just a question that has an answer! 2 4 W O R L D C L A S S M AG A Z I N E S . C O M | JA N UA RY 2 0 1 5