World Youth Day USA Guides Stateside Pilgrimage Leaders Guide | Page 61

Do we trust him as our Father, living as sons (Mt 28:16-20). The command to “go forth and daughters in the Son, and relying upon and baptize all the nations” was the theme for the Holy Spirit? The intimacy and personal World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro in 2013, connection with God that a pilgrim feels and with this in mind, Pope Francis during World Youth Day is often caused by a challenged all pilgrims to go out and be powerful moment(s) of prayer, praise, or “missionary disciples,” saying: connection to the larger community; a moment(s) where we experience the depth With these words, Jesus is speaking to and fullness of the Father’s love for us in his each one of us, saying: “It was Son, our Lord Jesus, and through the gift of wonderful to take part in World the Holy Spirit. This feeling of intimacy with Youth Day, to live the faith together the Lord can last long beyond the initial with young people from the four World Youth Day experience and may be corners of the earth, but now you carried into one’s daily life. Making more time must go, now you must pass on this for prayer and reflection, finding a preferred experience to others.” Jesus is calling prayer style or spirituality, and living the you to be a disciple with a mission! 37 sacramental life with more joy can be some of the gifts that come from a powerful World A missionary disciple is what we are all called Youth Day experience. to be. It is the going forth and sharing the Good News in every place we go and The second aspect is living out our wherever people are gathered, whether that is relationship with God in our day-to-day lives. abroad to another land or down the block to While feelings can ebb and flow, the our local hangout. We go forth with the encounter with the Lord and the joy that intention of sharing with others the love that comes from it are deeper than any momentary we have experienced and inviting others to feeling and help provide direction for our day- embrace the love that God our Father has for to-day journeys. All of us are called to seek them. In inviting others to that intimacy with the Lord continually, to be open to and led by the Lord, pilgrims are able to bring the World the Holy Spirit. Ultimately, this is about our Youth Day experience full-circle, passing on graced response to the Great Commission what has been received, so that others may 37 Pope Francis, “World Youth Day Concluding Mass,” July 28, 2013, introduction. 59