World Youth Day USA Guides Stateside Pilgrimage Leaders Guide | Page 31

SAMPLE KPI #2: SAMPLE KPI #3: Have increased participation in our local Execute a social media campaign that engages stateside World Youth Day celebration over 200 young adults from nearby parishes from prior years (if applicable), or a greater and that invites those men and women to number of participants than from previous send in stories, comments, or short videos large-scale youth or young adult ministry about Pope Francis, Poland, and the WYD events in the parish, diocese, or region. theme on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Objectives for the Stateside World Youth Day Pilgrimage 2016 Objective 1: KPI 1: KPI 2: KPI 3: KPI 4: Objective 2: KPI 1: KPI 2: KPI 3: KPI 4: Objective 3: KPI 1: KPI 2: KPI 3: KPI 4: 29