World Youth Day USA Guides Stateside Pilgrimage Leaders Guide | Page 30

What do you hope will be accomplished by Objectives & Performance Indicators the end of the event? What do you hope that The vision of success for your defined audience others, including the participants, will say and outcomes leads you to identify a number when speaking about this event in the future? of factors or objectives that will most allow It is important to try as much as possible not you to accomplish the vision. to hold yourself to past expectations or event experiences, but to look forward to the Determine three to four objectives for the possibilities that lie ahead (some realistic, pilgrimage both tangible (e.g. increase the some with greater risk, and some that are visibility and awareness of World Youth Day really exciting, even if not immediately across every parish in our diocese) and attainable). This is your moment to dream. intangible (e.g. foster a cu