World Youth Day USA Guides Stateside Pilgrimage Leaders Guide | Page 27

oneself or locked in church; instead, it is Pilgrimage leaders should know that they meant to be compassionately shared with all. are united as missionary disciples across the Good leaders embrace their role to heal the globe – from those leading pilgrims to the woundedness of the pilgrims in their care. global celebration in Kraków to those The pilgrims themselves can experience this organizing stateside and digital experiences in healing ministry from their leaders – and the United States to international Catholic ideally, be sent to heal those around them in leaders planning local events taking place in the future – from their friends and families parishes and dioceses on every continent. who struggle or are wounded to the larger society and community where they study, In solidarity with those leaders, and in service work, and live their young adult lives. to Christ, who sends us, we gain our strength for the work ahead of us. Conclusion: Be Not Afraid Understandably, it can seem overwhelming to As Pope Francis told the vast crowd of be a stateside pilgrimage leader once we pilgrims and leaders in Rio de Janeiro as they recognize all the ways God calls us to were about to embark on a mission of service effective leadership and missionary in the world (and which can be applied to the discipleship – and to create a memorable and work of the stateside leader today): holy space for pilgrims to have an encounter Jesus did not say: “One of you go”, but with God, with the Church, and with others. “All of you go”: we are sent together. Trying to live and lead this mission can be Dear young friends, be aware of the frightening. Yet Christ continually reminds us, companionship of the whole Church and as he reminded the first missionary disciples: also the communion of the saints on this “Do not be afraid...” (Mt 28:10) The World mission. When we face challenges Youth Day experience, with its massi fR6