World Youth Day USA Guides Stateside Pilgrimage Leaders Guide | Page 15

resources invested in an endeavor like WYD Stateside and international pilgrims will have serve only individuals (and in particular, distinct experiences for World Youth Day, individuals with the means to travel) or serve both special in their own way, but they can be the whole Church community, both the united as one community – and integrate the pilgrims who travel to the international entirety of their parishes, dioceses, campuses, celebration and those who remain stateside. workplaces, movements, and groups. Conclusion It should be noted, though, that not everyone World Youth Day is a celebration meant for participating stateside and internationally are the whole Church. The challenge is to invite pilgrims by definition. the entirety of the Church to truly celebrate it, Not everyone who travels abroad can call rather than only those able to travel. themselves a pilgrim (i.e. a European As technology and media have progressed backpacker is just that); neither is the one from television to Skype to Instagram (and who simply watches the World Youth Day beyond), the ability to connect more people to activities unfold on television or through the celebration has increased readily. social media. Pilgrims must be intentional in their journey as they seek transformation and closeness to God. This in turn has awakened leaders of dioceses, religious communities, and parishes to understand more fully that this international The international traveler does have a unique festival is not just for the few, but is intended role to play as they physically make their way for the whole faith community. to World Youth Day and that should not be taken from them; nonetheless, the stateside The young people who celebrate stateside are pilgrim must also engage in movement in not an afterthought, but can be pilgrim whatever way they can, as they have a travelers too. Technology and information distinct role to play in the communal and sharing has allowed the understanding of ever-growing World Youth Day “pilgrim” to expand in a certain sense, and at phenomenon of the Catholic Church. the same time, to connect us back to our ancient heritage of feast and pilgrimage. 13