World Youth Day USA Guides Retreat Manual | Page 56

their eyes and listen to them. The poor provide various diocesan social justice us with a concrete opportunity to encounter organizations; work camps and mission Christ himself, and to touch his suffering flesh. networks; religious orders (with their However… the poor are not just people to respective vows of poverty); ecumenical whom we can give something. They have much and interfaith alliances, among others. to offer us and to teach us. How much we have to  learn from the wisdom of the poor! …In a very Seven themes of Catholic social teaching, as real way, the poor are our teachers. They show articulated through a tradition of papal, us that people’s value is not measured by their conciliar, and episcopal documents: possessions or how much money they have in 1. the life and dignity of the human person; the bank. A poor person, a person lacking 2. the call to family, community, material possessions, always maintains