World Youth Day USA Guides Retreat Manual | Page 53

other’s experience. CATECHETICAL PRESENTATION “SUFFERING & SOLIDARITY”  Common life and common concerns. NOTE TO LEADER: It is recommended to use  Performed not to relieve suffering, but to selections on solidarity in the Catechism of the understand it better. Catholic Church, in particular Part Three, Chapter Two, Article Three (“Social Justice”), 1928-1948. In the New Testament, the concept of These include: respect for the human person (1929- solidarity is seen in the following ways: 1933); human solidarity (1939-1942); respect for  Mystery of the Incarnation: God chooses persons and their goods (2407); and justice and solidarity with humanity by the divine Son solidarity among nations and love of the poor (2437- entering the world as a humble child, born 2463). You may also consider using selections from the in poverty in a people struggling with United States Catholic Catechism for imperial rule and oppression. Adults, in particular Chapter 31 (“Seventh  Eschatology (the last things): Heb 6:17-20; Commandment: Do Not Steal – Act Justly”) and its theology of St. Athanasius (and others): review of the Church’s social teaching (pgs. 420-428) “God became man, so that man might and the 2009 encyclical of Pope Benedict XVI, become God.” God enters humanity and Caritas in Veritate (Charity in Truth), as well as then enters heaven on our behalf to give the online collection of statements and resources for secure hope for the future. Catholic social teaching:  and-teachings/what-we-believe/catholic-social- of the Kingdom: In the Gospels, Jesus eats teaching/index.cfm. You might also consider inviting with sinners, tax collectors, and women (see those involved with social justice work locally to lead, Mk 2:15-17). Christ broke a number of facilitate, or serve as a guest for this session. social conventions of his day to be with those in poverty and to invite all in need of I. What is Solidarity?  mercy to communion in and with him, in Being in relationship with others is the key the one family of God. to solidarity.   Breaking of social convention for the sake  Eucharist: We are one Body in Christ. Union or fellowship arising from common Christ unites where sin divides. Solidarity responsibilities, experiences and interests, as means that God also calls us to be in unity between members of a group or between and right relationship with one another – classes, peoples. with Jesus through the Eucharist and Walking in the footsteps of another to through the universal Church, our gain mutual understanding of the community of believers. 51