World Youth Day USA Guides Retreat Manual | Page 41

Leader: We pray for the people of Poland as Leader: I invite you to share the name of a they prepare to welcome pilgrims from around person you would especially like to keep in the world into their home country. Give them prayer today. (Pause while people share names a spirit of hospitality and free them from any aloud….) For the needs of those we have fears or anxiety. May this time of anticipation named aloud and those in the silence of our fill them with great hope, so that their faith may hearts. We pray to the Lord. be recognized all who gather there. ALL: Lord, hear our prayer. ALL: Lord, hear our prayer. Leader: Gathering our prayers into one, we Leader: We pray for all those in need, pray together the words Jesus taught us. especially the poor and the marginalized. ALL: Our Father, who art in heaven… Grant healing to the sick, peace to the dying, and hope to those who despair. May we bring Benediction Christ’s mercy out into the world and respond LEADER: May the Almighty God with generosity to all who cry out to us for be with us this day and bless us with peace. aid. We pray to the Lord. + In the name of the Father, ALL: Lord, hear our prayer. and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. If a priest is present, he can conclude the rite with the usual blessing. 39