World Youth Day USA Guides International Pilgrimage Leaders Guide | Page 75

   What was your favorite prayer experience from World Youth Day? difference in your community now? In your What was the most impactful thing about parish, diocese, movement, or nationally?  traveling to Kraków and Poland?  How do you imagine you can make a Where do you feel God is calling you to go next? What are your future plans? Where did you find peace or illumination while on your pilgrimage?    What did the Holy Father (or a bishop, Coming down the mountain can be sobering, catechist, or leader) say or do that really but also exciting – for God has great things in impacted or challenged you? store for the pilgrims of World Youth Day. For Who are the memorable people you met at the past thirty years, World Youth Day alumni World Youth Day? Where are they from? have done amazing things in the Church and in the world, inspired and motivated by the How was this pilgrimage experience experiences of this international pilgrimage. different from the vacations or excursions you may have taken in the past?  Many of those who have had such an impact How do you plan to keep in touch with the were assisted by leaders who accompanied and new people you met at World Youth Day?  guided them along the way, especially in the Who do you wish you could have brought critical time after the events of those respective with you on this pilgrimage?  gatherings. Jesus accompanied Peter, James, How will you bring that person into the and John down Mount Tabor, continuing to experience now that you are back home?  journey with them to Jerusalem, supporting How will you engage stateside pilgrims, as them when they struggled and doubted, and well as friends and family at home, in your encouraging them to go forth to preach the continuing pilgrimage of faith?    Gospel. The pilgrim leader follows in Jesus’ How has your relationship with God footsteps as they, too, continue to journey with changed or been enhanced by this their pilgrims and equip them with the tools pilgrimage experience? they will need to turn their transformative What th &VR7F