World Youth Day USA Guides International Pilgrimage Leaders Guide | Page 74

It is also important for leaders to help the blog, social media page, newsletter, international pilgrims engage with stateside newspaper, or magazine. pilgrims – those fellow youth and young adults  Encourage pilgrims to speak to people in who journeyed locally, digitally, or in their their parish, campus, or diocese after one of home parish or diocese for the World Youth the Masses or during any large gathering Day experiences. Helping them to understand within their local community. that their overseas experiences were not  Help pilgrims to direct their renewed superior to those of stateside pilgrims, but energy and enthusiasm into projects or simply different, is very important. Encourage activities in their local parish, campus, them to be humble in their approach and to diocese, or community, especially beyond unite with stateside pilgrims who shares a the work of their particular youth or young different aspect of the WYD experience. adult ministry program. In all matters, the group leader should readily  Point pilgrims towards a spiritual director keep in touch with their pilgrims, asking them or mentor, who can help them process their how they are doing and giving them strength ongoing spiritual development. and guidance whenever necessary. Following  up, asking good questions, and praying for and collaborate with stateside pilgrims in the with the pilgrims in the months and years after weeks and months following the summer World Youth Day will remind pilgrims that season; this collaboration can include a their journey does not end at the airport on the jointly-planned event or reunion way home. It continues throughout their lives. experience, as well as shared service, formation, and social events. Ideas to help pilgrims return home:  Encourage pilgrims to write thank you Questions leaders can ask pilgrims upon notes to his or her youth or young adult returning home from World Youth Day: minister, pastor, parents and grandparents,  benefactors, and anyone who had a hand in What was the high point of your World Youth Day experience? Why? providing the opportunity for them to  attend World Youth Day.  Encourage international pilgrims to What was the most frustrating part of your World Youth Day experience? Why? Encourage pilgrims to write an article for  their parish, campus, or diocesan website, What is one thing you learned about being a missionary disciple and an agent of mercy? 72