World Youth Day 2019 USA Leader Guides Stateside Leader Guide | Page 57

Different cultural experiences Understanding how WYD is a celebration of A stateside pilgrim will not have the same catholicity (universality) helps leaders to better experience of a different culture as an create an experience that prompts participants international pilgrim, at least to the extent that to reflect on their own culture and put it in can be gained by physically traveling to dialogue with other cultures, all in the light of another country. At WYD, the culture is not Christ and the Church community. only experienced through the host country (in this case, Panamá), but also through the Understanding the degree to which stateside various people that a pilgrim may meet from pilgrims are exposed to such diversity will be all over the globe. Stateside pilgrims may not helpful in crafting this conversation with have those kinds of encounters, but they may international participants. As you make plans still be able to enter into dialogue and for the stateside WYD celebration, it will be experience with people of other cultures. helpful if those cultural experiences were Many stateside events can include a cultural integrated into the programming – so that this piece that celebrates the music, dance, and can be a common point of reference for both food of the international host country stateside and international pilgrims. (Panamá), and in that experience, share with CONNECTING COMMUNITIES their international pilgrim counterparts what those cultural components meant to them. Immediate Follow-Up for Pilgrims In addition, there could be opportunities for Any WYD (stateside or international) will stateside pilgrims to meet people from need to process the experience on a variety of different cultural experiences in the United levels. Opportunities for small group States. This diversity could be cultural conversations and reflections, journaling, and (European, African, Hispanic-Latino, Asian quiet prayer are highly encouraged. and Pacific Islander, Native American), economic, or geographical or regional (East At the conclusion of WYD, pilgrims should Coast, West Cost, Midwest, South, urban, be reminded that they are expected to share suburban, or rural). There are many their experience with their community (family, opportunities to engage with various friends, parish, diocese/eparchy, campus, populations which the pilgrims can discuss as workplace, or movement). This could be done a common point of reference afterwards. by writing reflections; sharing via social media; 56