World of Warcraft Community Magazine Issue 11 | Page 57

World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 57 next biggest dragon, or gearing up to be able to land the biggest crit. In Magic, Timmy loves slamming down giant monsters: it’s the big numbers that give him the biggest thrill. A WoW analogue could be a manic DPS, as mentioned above, but it could also be a collector, an achieve-wh*re, someone who finds satisfaction in being able to showcase large amounts of something for the time that they put in. Practicality be damned, Timmy wants to play the game his way. Spike plays to prove something. Namely, that ze is the best. Spike looks to the top-ranking arena teams to learn what classes ze something. She’s the girl who amount of pieces to all line up at should play, and which specs to might show up to a raid bragging the same time. However, even if choose. The path ze takes to victory about a new spec or rotation she’s she only pulls off her dream combo doesn’t matter, as long as ze wins. designed, or saved up way too one out of every ten instances, Top-tier raiding guilds are likely to much gold while levelling just to she still considers it a success. be full of Spikes: the people that get an item on the Auction House. Practicality be damned, Jenny know all the mechanics of every She looks at the game mechanics wants to play the game her way. boss fight, and how to play past them with mechanical precision not as something to min-max, but Timmy plays to feel something. and consistency. Spike is the most problems in her own way. Jenny He wants to know the glory of victory vocal person on the class forums, can be a Role-Player, though she as won in arenas or in Arathi Basin. and gets the most interested in the doesn’t always have to be. The key He wants to feel the rush that comes minutiae of every patch. There is trait of Jenny is that her optimal play from storming through Blackrock little to say aside from that ze wants strategy does not always work, as Foundry and leaving with a bag full to win and ze doesn’t care how. it generally involves some super- of trophies. For Timmy, there is no Class, race, spec: Spike believes janky combo that requires an insane game if it is not spent finding the that there is an optimal playstyle rather as tools she can use to solve The GameOn Magazine