Workshops @ Plan my Wedding | Page 4

Do something Creative everyday

Exhibit at the Winter Season Plan My Wedding Workshops and benefit from an audience of wedding providers and brides with buying power, business needs and aspirations. Meet your potential clients face to face and establish contacts that will grow your business, establish strategic alliances and synergies that will open new opportunities.


•We provide you with a table (size approx. 180cm L x 78cm W x 73cm H) and an area of 2mx2m. You will provide your own décor, tablecloth and pull up banners to brand your area. No Prestik allowed on the walls please.

•Please note that your stand will be placed within a specified area and although you may choose within that area where you wish to be placed (first come first serve). We reserve the right to move your stand if we have the need to do so.

•Limited electrical points are available. Exhibitor will need to provide their own extensions leads, plugs and tape to cover cords.

•Any exhibitor who has their own pre-assembled stand will be provided with space according to their needs and dimensions. Please discuss this directly with our organisers


R500 per stand 2m x 2m

You will be provided with up to 3 staff tickets

Each exhibitor to supply a gifting item for lucky draw giveaways

For more information on advertising with a company exhibit, please do not hessitate to contact our organisers.

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Jamie White

Marketing&Advertising Expert



[email protected] |

Address: Somerset West Business Park, Somerset West