WorkLife April 2017 | Page 22

6 ESSENTIAL METRICS EVERY EMPLOYER NEEDS TO MEASURE If the word ‘metrics’ makes you instantly recoil, conjuring up images of being knee deep in numbers, then fear not: here’s a list to help. Selected and measured correctly, metrics are your friend. They can help you to identify strengths and weaknesses, and to build a strategy in reaction, helping your organisation to evolve positively and be more focussed. So, it’s time to stop relying on your gut and start relying on the indisputable data. We have selected six simple metrics, to help you upgrade your HR practices. 1 COST PER HIRE: (AMOUNT SPENT ON RECRUITMENT + AMOUNT SPENT ON TRAINING ) ÷ NUMBER OF NEW HIRES Calculating the amount you are spending per new recruit can help you determine where to invest your recruitment cash. UK employers spend on average £30,614, per new employee according to Oxford Economics. This is more than the average UK salary, and means that employee turnover is costly. Handy Hint: Making the most of the recruiting tools available online can significantly reduce your employment 22 costs. Host interviews on Skype to reduce travel costs or publish your adverts online for free. 2 ACCEPTANCE RATE: NUMBER OF PEOPLE WHO REJECT A JOB OFFER ÷ NUMBER OF OFFERS MADE x 1OO Ideally, this number should be very low. If it is not, consider investigating why you are losing out to your competitors. Handy Hint: Compare your acceptance rate to that of others in your industry. Rates vary greatly so look to understand and see where you lie compared to other companies.