Words Of Wisdom Issue #4 October 2014 | Page 19

Musicians Release Agreement

Musicians release agreement is a agreement between you the artist and background singers, instrumentalists or guest musician.

Songwriter / Publisher Share Letter Of Agreement

Songwriter/ publisher share letter of agreement spells out the monitary agreement between you the artist and the songwriter. Even if the songwriter wants nothing for writing the song this paper work should still be done. All involved songwriters should register their work (the songs / compositions) with the U.S. Copyright Office.

IsrcApp (ISRC)

The ISRC is a unique international identifier for the songs (tracks) on your recording and functions as a digital "fingerprint" for each track.

Mechanical License

If you are not the songwriter you will need a rightsflow agreement that will allow you to manufacture and distribute up to 2,500 copies to the public.

UPC Bar Code

You should own an account; this will allow you to assign all your music-related products a unique UPC Bar Code in your company's name.


In order to get paid for the performances of your songs on radio, TV, in nightclubs, airlines, elevators, jukeboxes, etc., you should join a Performing Rights Organization (PRO), such as ASCAP or BMI.


As a Sound Recording Copyright Owner (SRCO - e.g. artist, producer, record label), in order to get paid for non-interactive digital transmissions on cable, satellite and web cast services.


You can sign up for a free Gracenote-approved software to upload your songs into the database. When done correctly song titles and artist names will be displayed on media players (e.g. home stereos, computer media players, satellite and terrestrial radio, mp3 players, cell phones and other wireless devices, etc.) that take advantage of the Gracenote MEDIA DATABASE data.

**Please note that some of the items listed are contracts and or legal agreements. Please consult a business lawyer for these items. Always have your lawyer read over all documents before you sign it.

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