Wong Fong Express January 2014 | Page 5

At A Glance Overseas Adventures 概 览 黄芳的海外之旅 2013 has been a remarkable year for Wong Fong Engineering, with our teams leaving their footprints in various parts of Asia and Europe. Hannover Messe / Bauma Our overseas adventure began at the internationally acclaimed Hannover Messe (Hannover Fair) and Bauma, Munich. These are the leading international trade fairs for Industrial Technology and construction machinery, a definite must-see on any engineer’s to-do list. The trip also cemented our relationship with the European industry leader, Voswinkel, as a key supplier for fitting and coupling to Wong Fong Engineering, ensuring that top quality products are used for all our fabrication and servicing tasks. 2013 年对于黄芳团队来说是 不平凡的一年,因为我们的足迹踏 遍亚欧大陆的不同角落。 汉诺威工业博览会 我们海外之旅的首两个目的地 便是享誉国际的汉诺威工业博览会 和慕尼黑宝马展。这些有关最新工 业科技与建筑技术的博览会绝对是 任何工程师不能错过的专业展览活 动。此次旅程也进一步巩固了我们 与欧洲的行业领导者,Voswinkel 之间的合作伙伴关系。Voswinkel 的产品确保了我们在制造与维修服 务中所采用的零件都是最优质的产 品,它也是黄芳打磨与联轴设备的 重要供应商。 WFRIC’s next destinations were both in China, the largest market place propelling WFRIC’s revenue growth. China’s Commercial Vehicles Show The first stop was China’s Commercial Vehicles Show (CCVS) in Wuhan. There we saw the launch of two revolutionary new products, the Herk Doorlift and the FRP tailgate, designed by WFRIC in partnership with Shenzhen Cadro Hydraulic Equipment Co., Ltd. Both products were extremely well received at the exhibition by visitors, industry players, media and government officials. 黄芳团队接下来的两个目的地 均在中国,因为这里是推动黄芳研 究与创新中心收入增长的最大市 场。 中国国际商用车展览会 中国之旅首站便是湖北省的武 汉市。这里是中国国际商用车展览 会的举办地。此次展会上推出了由 黄芳研究与创新中心与深圳市凯卓 立液压设备有限公司联合设计研发 的两款突破性创新意义的新产品 : 海尔克尾板和 FRP 尾板。这两款 产品均受到了参展观众、 业界企业、 媒体和政府官员的极高评价。 China International Industrial Design Fair (CIIDF) 2013 WFRIC’s excellent performance in Wuhan was in no time echoed by the resounding success at the China International Industrial Design Fair (CIIDF) 2013. The industrial design team exhibited their designs in Shenzhen alongside other international design houses and received a fantastic reception from visitors. Our main attraction was the live demonstration given by Luigi Memola, our Head of Industrial Design, where he showed audiences the high level and quality of designs produced by WFRIC’s design team. Spanning a booth of 36sqm, our team showcased the latest pen and lamp designs, inspired by the form and movement of the loader crane. Also on display were other concept designs ideated by our creative team of original thinkers. 中国国际工业设计大展 在今年的中国国际工业设计大 展中,黄芳研究与创新中心也取得 了巨大成功。我们的工业