Wong Fong Express January 2014 | Page 21

On The Home Front W ang Yi Fan Joined 1 August 2013 Design Engineer, Design Department Though young, Yi Fan has extensive experience in the mechanical design industry prior to joining Wong Fong. He is now responsible for the mechanical design of tipper trucks. 虽然年 轻, 在加入黄芳之前, 祎凡在机械设计领域已有着丰富的工作经验。 他现在负责翻斗卡车 的机械设计工作。 He takes the time to catch up on the latest science and tech news. 他在业余时间喜欢博览 关于最新科技发展的相关新闻。 K hor Boon Chin 内 部 新 闻 Joined 12 August 2013 Service Engineer, Project Department Often seen on the ground in the service bay, Khor is currently involved in several WFED projects and the service and repair of Palfinger cranes. 经常出没在维修车间的 Khor 主要参 与军用项目和负责维修博威格起重设备。 Reading and drawing comics are his pastimes. 在业余时间, 他喜欢阅读和绘制漫画。 M arshall Leong Joined 19 August 2013 Industrial Designer, WFRIC Having just graduated from NUS, Marshall has taken up the challenge of being part of the new WFRIC industrial design team to hone his passion for sustainable future design. 刚刚从 新加坡国立大学毕业, 伟龙就接受了全新的挑战, 了黄芳研究创新中心的一名工业设 成为 计师, 继续他对可持续未来设计的执着追求。 Playing soccer and riding his motorcycle are his favourite activities. 在业余时间里, 他最 喜欢踢足球和骑摩托车。 H an Min Phyo Joined 27 August 2013 Store Keeper, Department B Arriving with his wife from Myanmar, Han keeps the Wong Fong store in check by arranging logistics and updating of inventory. Han 和他的妻子来自缅甸。 他在黄芳机器厂主 要负责后勤以及整理、 清查库存的工作。 He likes to head down to East Coast park for walks with his wife. 他喜欢和妻子在空闲的 时候去东海岸一起散步。 Z hang Zhao Joined 3 September 2013 Assistant Welder, Department B Having ten years industry experience in his hometown in Shandong Province, China, Zhang Zhao wanted to explore working overseas and took the opportunity to work in Wong Fong. 张朝来自中国山东省, 拥有超过10年的相关工作经验。 由于想体验一 下在国外工作的 感觉, 他通过中介找到了现在的工作。 Touring around Singapore with colleagues and friends is what he enjoys most. 在业余时 间里, 他喜欢和朋友或同事一起游览新加坡。 21 newsletter 1.indd 21 11/2/2014 5:16:13 PM