Wong Fong Express January 2014 | Page 14

特 辑 Features Wong Fong Engineering Awarded Enterprise 50 黄芳机器厂获 得新加坡“最 佳 50 企业” 荣誉称号 黄芳机器厂在 2013 年表现强劲,就在不久前,我们在本地颇具声 望的“最佳 50 企业”评选活动中夺得了第 27 名的好成绩,用于表彰公 司在 2013 年的不俗业绩。 角逐结果在 2013 年 11 月 28 日揭晓。在众多参选公司中,只有 50 家公司能够成功问鼎今年的“最佳 50 企业”荣誉奖。这个奖项主要 用来表彰为新加坡本地及海外经济发展做出卓越贡献的私人控股公司。 此次评选由商业时报和毕马威联合主办,新加坡资讯通信发展管理局、 新加坡国际企业发展局、新加坡工商联合总会、生产力与创新局协办。 新加坡联合早报与商业时报均有报道黄芳团队在参选过程中的精彩 表现。此次获奖也是对公司团队所付出的努力和优异表现的重要肯定。 Reinforcing the strong year that Wong Fong Engineering was having, 2013 ended on a high with Wong Fong Engineering placing 27th at the prestigious Enterprise 50 Awards for an outstanding business performance. The results were only made known on the 28th of November, where out of the many that were considered, only 50 companies were bestowed the E50 award. The Enterprise 50 awards, organised by The Business Times and KPMG, and supported by the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore, International Enterprise Singapore, Singapore Business Federation and SPRING Singapore; is an illustrious and respected award that recognises local, privately-held companies who have contributed to the economic development of Singapore and abroad. This impressive effort for our first participation in the awards was covered in the Business Times and Lian He Zhao Bao. This great mark of recognition is a valuable endorsement of the good work done by the Wong Fong team. WFED News /新闻 Ever wondered what goes on behind the closed doors of Wong Fong Engineering Department? Headed by CY Liew, WFED takes on Wong Fong’s high-level special projects and jobs. The WFED team, consisting of design and project engineers, have been extremely busy in 2013, having successfully completed various design and proto-type development projects such as military high-mobility trailers, mobile power systems and customized generator sets, with projected $5 million worth of special projects on hand to last them well into 2014. Plans have already been set in place to look at doing bigger things with production sets scheduled to begin in 2014 for two major projects and a $6 million project expected to begin in the fourth quarter of 2014. The success of these projects are due to the dedication of the team who place the utmost importance in their work by producing the best possible engineering design solutions for our clients. With clients like the Ministry of Defence, ST Kinetics and a major European Military Truck manufacturer, WFED expects that this part of the Wong Fong business will continue to grow steadily through 2014. 可以很好地维持团队在 2014 年的 运作。 团队计划在 2014 年里专注于 更大,价值更高的两个生产项目。 此外,一项价值 600 万新币的项 目计划也会于 2014 年第四季度开 有 没 有 想 过 在 WFED 紧 闭 的 始运作。 大门后面到底发生着什么样的事 这些项目的成功归功于我们具 情?由 CY Liew 带头,WFED 承接 了黄芳最高层的特别项