Women in Art 278 Magazine January 2014 | Page 37

ART wom indian painter Aditi Bhatt en impressionism , expressionism about the artwork: We were out one morning on the highway and happened to stop by a beautiful green field, curious, as we could not figure out what crop was growing.The farmer spotted us and offered us some of the sugarcane that was now ready to be harvested. We walked around the field and reached his house just outside which was this clothes line . There were a lot of children around who enjoy being photographed.. This one is a little shy th ough. I was touched by the farmers simplicity and openness. It occurred to me that there is still a world in which people open up their homes to strangers who are passing by, and share their scarce supplies without expecting anything in return. enced such hospitality several times. I “my little hom e ” by a d i t i 1 st p l ac e i n G lob a l F am i ly a n d b hatt won the C om m un i t y art co n t e st . have experi- website