WOMANITION MAGAZINE Womanition2017_Magazine_ForWEB (old) | Page 108

Financial Divorce Specialist Wendy Olson-Brodeur If We Knew Then, What We Know Now Educate, Empower, Enrich. These are not just words. These words are my passion and the values that have encircled my life for the last 20 years. Almost 20 years ago, I left the big corporate world because my values were not being honored. I left and have never looked back. My goal right from the beginning was to help women get educated about money. The saying goes, “If I knew then, what I know now.” But then I would not have a journey. My journey has taken me to where I spend most of my day helping people with money issues as they relate to marriage, separation and divorce. The most important advance over the past 5 years has been the movement of getting divorced out of court. The other advance is the research that continues to point to the detriments of divorce on children. We call it Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). There are many ADR processes. The key is to get enough information so that you can decide on what method is best for your situation. The sad part is many professionals will just p