WNY Family Magazine March 2019 | Page 61

— by Keith Hawkes PARENT PREVIEWS – Making Media Entertainment An Easier Choice For Families Ralph Breaks the Internet VIOLENCE: (B-) Infrequent mild slapstick violence. One instance of two Internet avatars being burned with a flamethrowe . A giant monster-resembling protagonist rampages through a city and causes massive damage. This scene may be too intense for small children. SEXUAL CONTENT: (A) None. LANGUAGE: (A) None. ALCOHOL / DRUG USE: (A)­­ None. For additional information on this film s content, visit www.parentpreviews.com PG OVERALL RATING: B+ WALT DISNEY STUDIOS Released on DVD: February 26, 2019 S ix years after the conclusion of Wreck-It-Ralph, arcade game characters Ralph (John C. Reil- ly) and Vanellope (Sarah Silverman) have established a routine: they work in their games all day and hang out and grab a root beer at “Tapper” (a classic arcade game). While this suits Ralph just fine, Vanellope finds herself wishing for a life with a few more unexpected turns in the road. Even her racing game has become too predict- able! But when Ralph tries to help her by modifying the track, a frustrated player breaks the arcade cabinet for Vanellope’s game, and the arcade owner can’t afford to replace the part. The only place the part is available is on the Internet, and it looks like Ralph and Vanellope will be able to sneak in to the worldwide web… but how will they find it once they get there? And will they be able to pay for it? Now, despite some notable issues, which I will address later, this cash-grab of a sequel actually manages to churn out some positive messages. The theme of the film is focused around the changing nature of the protagonists’ friendships as they move into a larger world. By contrasting the consequences of co-dependence and jealousy with what is a (surprisingly) sweet relationship, the film manages to provide a good life lesson for kids: friendship does not mean constant contact, and people can have more than one friend without dimin- ishing their affection for the others. The movie’s main problem is exces- sive and blatant product and corporate logo placement, which is made more disturbing by the youthfulness of this production’s target audience. By my count, there are no fewer than 24 instances of major product placement, from companies like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Amazon, eBay, and Google, along with massive plugs for every Disney franchise. In fact, there are hardly any scenes in the movie where you can’t see the logo of one of these mega corporations. This kind of satu- ration marketing is more than a little irri- tating. Apart from the fact that shamelessly self-promoting your other highly success- ful film products is more than a little tacky, doing so in a kids’ movie is irresponsible. By inuring children to the prevalent advertisements we see, we allow market- ing to become the kind of background noise that people absorb without analyz- ing. Children growing up in the digital age are especially vulnerable to this kind of near-subliminal marketing. Advertisers are aware of this: they don’t need to give you a strong positive association with their prod- uct, they just want you to think of them first when you think of their product class. Cynical and all-consuming advertis- ing aside, “Ralph Breaks the Internet” has a nice message about the values of friend- ship and the importance of maintaining healthy relationships. John C. Reilly and Sarah Silverman both do a good job of pouring character into their digital models, and the writers manage to avoid being too gratingly annoying. There’s not a lot in it for parents, but kids and tweens will prob- ably have a decent time. Whether or not the saturation marketing is a deal breaker for you, however, will determine if Ralph breaks your patience as well as the Internet. TALK ABOUT THE MOVIE WITH YOUR FAMILY Ralph and Vanellope have a few argu- ments in the film: Can good friends argue and still be friends? How do they resolve those arguments? Is it okay for friends to have dif- ferent interests and goals? How can we re- spond to our friendships as they change? LOVED THE MOVIE? TRY THESE BOOKS 11 Birthdays by Wendy Mass gives readers a fun context for issues of growing up and seeing friendships evolve. In Farfallina & Marcel, Holly Keller tells the sweet story of a caterpillar and gosling who are best friends. Despite the changes that come as they grow and trans- form (literally), their friendship endures. Does having a new friend mean that old friendships are over? That’s the ques- tion Frances has to answer in Russell Hoban’s story for young children, Best Friends for Frances. Can friendships last when interests di- verge? In The Story of Fish and Snail, Deb- orah Freedman tells the story of two friends with very different interests: one is adven- turous and the other likes to stay safely at home. A great read for preschoolers. March 2019 WNY Family 61