WNY Family Magazine January 2019 | Page 7

Kind words are especially heartwarming when you least expect them. Bake cookies or prepare meals Home cooked meals and baked goods are a special treat during the hustle and bustle of the year. As our neighbors get busy with everyday life, they may not have the time to cook or bake. If you are cooking for your own family, make a double batch. Set aside time once a month to try a new recipe and share it with others. Your thoughtful act may en- courage your neighbors to pay it forward. Give gifts for no reason How many times do we see some- thing in the store and think about a friend who it would be perfect for? Most of the time, we don’t pick it up because the next gift-giving occasion is months away. It doesn’t have to be about the day, nor does it need to be expensive. If you see the perfect gift, pick it up and give it to your friend now. People love to know you are thinking of them. Stay connected with friends and family How often do we say, “We should pick a date and get together,” but never find the time to do it? This year, make good on that promise and set up a date. Reconnecting with old friends and ex- tended family is not only for holiday time. Set up those play dates, host a party in the spring, or go on a picnic in the sum- mer. Grow your relationships beyond the exchange of a yearly holiday card. Talk about the ways your family kept the holiday spirit alive each night at dinnertime and create a positive habit for yourself and your family. The magic of the holiday spirit becomes a way of life when you share it each day. It’s a shame to bury it in a box full of orna- ments and lights. Pam Molnar is a freelance journal- ist and mother of three. Her family en- joys spreading the cheer long after the holidays are over. Follow her on Etsy at Pam’s Party Printables. January 2019 WNY Family 7