WNY Family Magazine January 2019 | Page 27

— by Kathryn Streeter saying it, she was begging to be sur- prised, which put no small amount of pressure on the parents. In this case, we lucked out and struck the right tone, starting the evening off with giving her a dress she’d pointed out at her favorite store and then, all dressed to the gills, we headed to a fancy restaurant. She felt like such a young lady in her new dress, showing up at a restaurant where reservations were made in her name.  Pair your teen’s interest with an event Striking The Right Tone for Teen Birthdays M ost parents would agree that birthdays are a fairly easy win when the kids are young. Not without great effort and frenzied busyness, for sure, but more straightforward. Star Wars? Avengers? Minions? Trolls? Piñata? Done! What- ever the theme requested to anchor the party, it was probably doable, right? But once the tween/teen years hit, things turn a corner and you may find yourself pining for the good ole days of predict- able, even dare I say, cookie-cutter-type parties which previously wowed your kids when they were little. As mine sprouted from kid to teen, I realized the party was just going to have to change to simple but signifi- cant, something requiring grave circum- spection. In short, my teens wanted to be recognized as young adults; to shed all childish fanfare. I’d wager that yours will probably feel somewhat the same. Here are a few things I learned in feting my teenagers over the years, which may help you strike the right tone each and every birthday:    Insist on your teen making a gift list  It may sound babyish but it saves lots of heartache and disappoint- ment. After a recent birthday, my teen lamented that he guessed that lists were still a good idea. His comment reflected what we perceived: we thought we were hitting it out of the park in the gift department, but oh no, we failed. If your teen refuses to make a list, go easy on yourselves and opt for store credit. Or cash. There, I said it. Cash is always going to be fine with your teen. And when grandparents are eager to shower their affection, help them by advising against buying clothing for your teen. It rarely works, if ever.  Don’t tell everything Hold back the details. Build the suspense. Our daughter wanted a “fam- ily dinner” for her 15th and left all the planning and plotting to us. Without What is the one thing your teen loves to do more than anything else? Maybe it’s an intense interest/hobby they have? Think creatively about how you can celebrate this interest. Does your teen love soccer? Take her to a professional game. Does your teen love to cook? Buy cooking classes. Perhaps your teen is an aspiring writer? Or computer programmer? With a little digging around, you’ll probably find workshops and lectures in your area.    Think the unthinkable Keep in mind that your teen’s greatest wish for their birthday may be to get away, far away from you to visit their BFF who moved away. Gulp. Don’t take it personally! If it’s at all possible, arrange well in advance for a surprise weekend trip, searching long and hard for plane or train tickets. But when it’s not, bring those missed into the room by suddenly pulling up a pre- arranged FaceTime party meet-up. Trust me, the Happy Birthday song will sound so much better with a crowd of voices bellowing out of your com- puter to join whoever is in the room.   Kathryn Streeter is a Washington, DC freelance writer whose work has ap- peared in publications including The Washington Post, The Week, Paste Magazine and Austin American-States- man. Find her on Twitter, @streeter- kathryn. January 2019 WNY Family 27