WNY Family Magazine February 2019 | Page 20

February is National Children’s Dental Health Month J ane & Drew Ta m a s s i a love going to the dentist. They think it is fun. Per- haps it’s words like “tickle toothbrush” and “sugar bug re- mover” that make these preschoolers giggle. Maybe it’s the mini-movie the- ater or Disney deco- rations that draw them in. with distraction. We have puppets we use and will talk with children on their level to gain their confidence. We also try to make it fun — ‘What kind of animal is down your throat today?’ Even when children come in crying, 95 percent of them leave with a smile.” — by Denise Yearian “I think they like going because I started them early and chose someone who knows how to work with chil- dren,” says Suzanne Tamassia, whose own childhood den- tal fears drove her to find a dentist who works specifically with children. Your Child’s First Dental Visit: Laying The Groundwork for A Great Experience “Getting children in at an early age is key,” says pediatric dentist Lawrence Louie. “I like to see them when the first tooth erupts. It gives me a chance to get a good look at the child’s mouth and lets me share oral health care and nutrition in- formation with the parents.” Jennifer Luzader, pediatric dental hygienist, agrees. “We recommend chil- dren have their first dental exam by their first birthday, and their first dental clean- ing by age two.” Even before that first appointment, there are things parents can do to prepare their child for their visit. “Use books, videos, and role play at home,” says Luzader. “Talk with your child using good, positive terms, and remind him how important it is to take care of his teeth and eat the right kinds of foods.” That is what Susan Magasiny did. “Before Jake’s first appointment, we talk- ed about how the dentist was a doctor for his teeth and that to keep them healthy, he needed to have check ups,” says the mother of two. “I told him the dentist was going to look at his teeth, count them, and maybe take a picture. It was no big deal.” 20 WNY Family February 2019 “I remember sitting at home role- playing with Jane,” recalls Tamassia. “I would say, ‘Open your mouth and let me see your teeth,’ then I would pretend to be the dentist. She liked that.” Role-playing did prepare Jane for that first visit, because when she went she knew just what to expect. “When a child comes in, we try to make it a fun experience,” says Luzader. “They get to pick out things like fluoride flavor, sunglasses for eye protection, and a new toothbrush and floss. Then we go through each step of what we are going to do, first on their fingers then in their mouths. We count their teeth, scale those that are covered with plaque and tartar, and then polish. We finish with a fluoride treatment and have the dentist come in for an exam.” Louie talks children through the pro- cedures too. “We call it, ‘Tell. Show. Do.’ First we tell them what we are going to do, show them on our hands, then do it — that way there are no surprises.” Even without so-called “surprises,” sometimes anxiety sets in. “Crying through the first two years is very expected, even at three,” says Luzader. “One way to ward off tears is “What is really important is that par- ents not relay any fears they have about going to the dentist,” says Louie. “Every once in a while I see where parents have elaborated on what happened to them and it comes through to the children.” On occasion, dental emergencies arise which cannot be avoided. “One week after Jake’s first appoint- ment, he fell into a picnic table and had a severe dental injury. His gum was pushed up to the top of his mouth and his whole front tooth was exposed,” recalls Magas- iny. “I called the dentist and they took us in right away.” But it was a wait-and-see injury. In the months to follow Jake had to return several times so the dentist could evalu- ate the situation. “I started to prep him about los- ing his tooth early, which he did about six months later,” she continues. “But through it all, Jake built trust and confi- dence in the dentist.” So much so, if you asked him today he would tell you he looks forward to his dental visits. His mother does, too. “What I appreciate most about our dental practice is that they have given me tools to teach my children preventative dentistry,” says Magasiny. Tamassia agrees. “I like how our dentist takes a sincere interest in chil- dren,” she says. “Everything is catered to them — there’s an indoor climbing play-