WNY Family Magazine April 2019 | Page 49

rejections, my son invited some teens in his art class to a pool party at our house. I’m not quite sure what even prompted the pool party idea after so many years of being blown off. But for the first time in about a decade, kids said YES! Does reading P U Z Z L E your child? To these teens, accepting the in- vitation probably meant nothing more than making sure they didn’t have a scheduling conflict that day. It was just something fun to do on a Saturday. But to my son, it meant the door of friendship opened up to him — a door that had been closed for far too long. When these teens accepted the party invitation, they did more than just give their RSVP. Although they probably didn’t realize it, when they said yes to his party — they said yes to my son. Yes, we accept you. Yes, we like you. Yes, we have fun with you. Yes, we want to spend time with you. YES! Bright people who struggle with reading could have dyslexia. So, as I peek out the curtain watch- ing it all play out, my knees buckle a lit- tle as I’m hit with sheer joy and a flood of gratitude. I watch my son’s face light up, knowing he feels valued and accept- ed by his peers, and I’m grateful. I listen to the teens laughing, igniting a flicker of friendship, and I am grateful. I am in awe of my son and the courage it took for him to do this, and I am grateful. Our highly trained reading therapists CAN HELP! We teach struggling readers of all ages to read, write, and spell with confidence. Schedule an appointment today by calling: 716-541-0331 www.wnydyslexiaspecialists.com It’s As Easy As As I silently thank these teens who said yes to my son, a powerful wave of gratitude washes over me, almost like the relief you feel when a doctor tells you that your biopsy is benign. Whew! So grateful. Although they probably don’t even realize it, these teens opened their hearts and minds, affirmed my son, and created a little miracle they probably take for granted — friendship. This gives me hope for my son’s future and a feeling of gratitude for the friendships that might lie ahead. Lisa Beach is a freelance journalist and copywriter. Her work has been pub- lished in The New York Times, Eating Well, Parents, Good Housekeeping, USA Today Go Escape, and dozens more. Check out her writer’s website at www. LisaBeachWrites.com. 3871 Harlem Road, Buffalo Therapeutics! Help with Motor Development Help with Sensory Skills Help with Handwriting 716.580.3040 Help with Social Skills Support & Education for Parents 11390 Transit Road., East Amherst | www.abctherapeutics.com April 2019 WNY Family 49