WLM Fall 2013 | Page 23

NEW SEASON, WLM | Wyoming Woman NEW YOU I by Kati Hime ’ve discovered that fall is a time of resolution – almost as much as January is. I can’t tell you how many moms I talk to at our elementary school that say “This year I’m getting ___ done while they’re in school,” or they are resolving how to fit workouts in between school & work, or how they’re going to take time for themselves every night, etc. The ‘new year’ renewing in our kids’ lives inspires a resolution period for us as well. © Nicole Bleak What if you’re not a parent, or, perhaps, your kids are grown? I believe the same holds true, although maybe in a different way. With the change in the weather our mannerisms change – we switch from the hectic pace of cramming a short Wyoming summer’s worth of activities to a slower, indoor speed. That can affect many things – the foods we consume; our hobbies; and, our workouts change. What are your fall resolutions? As a mom, I resolve to better tackle the mountain of paper that comes in the door every night; I resolve to finally (finally!) use the indoor time to tackle that scrapbooking project (which never happens); and I resolve that I’m going to keep my kids on task with homework, reading and music practice every night (a constant juggle). When it comes to my workouts, though, I’m excited for the change – I move from my beloved outdoor running to alternating my indoor running with dance, weights…and swimming. I am a hideous swimmer. When they see me in the pool, the lifeguards move closer to my lane. No joke. It’s that bad. www.wyolifestyle.com 23 © Nicole Bleak