Wisconsin School for the Deaf - The Wisconsin Times Vol. 133 No. 2 Winter 2011-2012 | Page 12

Walker Hall was originally used to house the entire oral elementary department. Walker Hall housed the elementary department from 1911 to the 1960’s when both Pie Hall and the second Cochrane Hall were built. The elementary department was moved into the second Cochrane Hall. The high school department was moved into Walker Hall where it has remained until the present. Betty Scholterman Hirte ’45 remembered in her videotaped oral history interview with Christopher Woodfill that as an elementary student in the ‘30’s, she went to the ground floor of Walker Hall to eat graham crackers and drink milk before going out for recess in the mid-morning everyday. She also remembered that every elementary student was required to march up single file to the first and second floors and greet in spoken English each teacher standing outside each classroom on both floors. Students would not be allowed to go to their first class before satisfactorily speaking “Good Morning, Mr./Mrs. _____” to every teacher. Walker Hall, during the ‘30’s was mainly for oral elementary students. Manual elementary students were taught elsewhere on campus. Walker Hall is being torn down for several reasons. Walker Hall was built using wood frame with bricks encasing the outside. At the time Walker Hall was built, it was designed to last until 1974. The expiration date was pushed to 1985 when 1974 came along. Walker Hall is an inefficient building in term of heating, air conditioning and electricity. Heating is very wasteful still using the original boiler heating technology. There is no air conditioning. The electrical system is old and cannot be upgraded to deal with current technologies. The structure, in general, is in poor shape. In 2005, the entire third floor of Walker hall was evacuated for approximately six months. The classrooms were relocated elsewhere on campus. The roof on Walker Hall flattened somewhat and the walls supporting the roof were pushed out slightly. To repair this structural issue, several red I-beams were installed on the floor of the attic to keep the roof and walls supporting it solid and correct. This was a temporary measure to ensure the structural integrity of Walker Hall. Winter 2012 - 12