WIPP's myContracting Magazine January 2015 | Page 36

Kim Wilson

CEO, Accel Solutions

Kim Wilson's Tip:

"No contract is too small!  Always be willing to entertain even the smallest contract, whether as a prime or subcontractor.  If you perform well, you open your company up to countless opportunities.  "

Lynley Sides

CEO, The Glue Network

Colette Zito's Tip:

“Obtaining government contracts for Zito Consultants, llc, a WOSB, is an investment in our capabilities and resources founded in priorities that leverage financial, environmental and social value goals focused on implementing strategic plans strengthening public and private partners. A holistic mindful approach is a best practice, collaboration of advocates aligned in value-oriented results for economic longevity.

A well-matched government contract produces ‘Partnerships with Priorities in Action’ focused on result-oriented goals for sustainability and growth for whole communities. Women Entrepreneurs obtaining government contracts fortify public and private agreements expanding possibilities and creating opportunities for sustainability posed for growth. This viewpoint demonstrates that a ‘best practices’ approach is relevant and essential for the development and implementation of strategic plans for healthy life choices and efficiencies that leverage financial, environmental and social value priorities for economic viability.”

Colette Zito

Founder & CEO, Zito Consultants, LLC

Lynley Side's Tip:

"Always know the top 3 things on your client's mind, whether they're directly related to what you're doing or not.  Know what keeps them up at night, what vision for the future excites them, and what tactical accomplishments will represent the most progress toward that.  This context will help you deliver the greatest value with your current work, build a strong relationship with them, and open doors to future work."


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