WINSPIRE EMPOWERING YOUTH Issue 6 Volume 3 | Page 11


Detective Questions Answer the following questions based on the following information :



Dr Watson was making his way back to

Baker Street when he bumped into an old colleague whom he hadn ’ t seen or heard of for twenty years . They had been at medical school together and had graduated at the same time .
“ Where are you now ?” asked Watson .
“ I ’ m the head surgeon at London ’ s Hammersmith Hospital ,” came the reply .
“ And this little girl ,” said Watson . “ Is she yours ?” provide you with the answers ?” said Watson confidently . “ On the contrary , Watson . I completed the entire crossword in one minute twenty seconds . But I noticed that four of these five clues have something in common . Can you tell me the odd one out ?” Ignoring the fact that four of the words are of the same length , which is the odd one out and why ?


“ Yes , I ’ ve been married for eight years now .”
The little girl tugged on Watson ’ s jacket . “ My name ’ s Mary ,” she said .
“ Fancy that ,” replied Watson patting her on the head . “ The same name as your mother .”
How did Watson know that ?


Holmes looked up from the Times crossword and smiled at Watson . “ I ’ m sure you will find this of interest , Watson ,” he said . “ RADA R LEVEL , ROTOR , REDIVIDER and MOTO R are the first five clues in today ’ s crossword .” “ And I suppose you want me to

After one of Mrs Hudson ’ s less than appetizing meals Doctor Watson was feeling out of sorts and decided to retire early . By 8.30pm he was fast asleep , having previously wound up and set his faithful old alarm clock to wake him at 9.30am . He slept soundly until the alarm woke him . How many hours ’ sleep did Watson get ?

WINSPIRE : Empowering youth | March , 2017