1 . How can I remember more of what I read ?
You can remember more by teaching what you have learned . You remember 80 % of the information that you teach . So , try teaching your brother or sister , or you can teach a bunch of stuffed toys !
2 . Is it better to read late night or early in the morning ?
You should study when you feel comfortable and can concentrate properly . Studying at both times is a great way to help cement knowledge -- studying in the night and reviewing the next morning to ensure you don ’ t forget anything .
3 . If we don ’ t know the answer in an exam , how can we find it ?
Leave it and move to another by leaving space for it . If it comes in mind later , do it , and then return to the rest of the exam . Not sweating over it can actually help you to better recall it as you work through the other questions . 4 . How do I get rid of exam fear ?
Prepare as well as you can for your exam . Know where and when your exam will be held . Make sure you know what kinds of questions will be on it . Try not to think about it too much and remind yourself that you are well prepared for it whenever the anxiety strikes .
5 . Is studying at the very last minute (“ cramming ”) a good strategy for exams ?
No , you should do this only as a last resort . Cramming usually doesn ’ t lead to good grades because it ’ s hard to memorize lots of information quickly . Even if you do earn a good grade , you ’ ll forget the content after the test , so it won ’ t help you in the future ( which is the whole point of learning in school ). Usually the more time you spend learning something , the longer and more easily you remember it .
1 . When studying for your exam , be somewhere where there are no distractions . Also , make sure you have eaten and have had plenty of sleep ; otherwise you could become tired and unfocused easily . Have no distracting things around you , unless they can be used as inspiration for helping you study ( such as a cork board full of notes made throughout the year ).
2 . Get rid of any unnecessary ‘ time wasting mechanisms ’ while studying . This includes TV , computer ( only if you need Internet access ), mobile phones , tablet , or even your siblings !
3 . Studying while containing fear inside you is a waste . Get rid of fear and any other possible bad feelings before studying .
4 . A good timetable will help you . You may organize it in such a way that a long / hard subject takes more space than a short / easy subject . Remember , however , that all subjects should be studied .
5 . Make notes while studying . Write a synopsis for your subject if you are studying it for the first time / in the beginning of the school year . This will help you in the future examinations by allowing you to remember the contents of your subjects .
6 . Make a list of all the things you need to do to study for each subject , and how long you think it will take you . Use this information to make up a study timetable . Be certain that you have given yourself all the time you think you need , plus a little extra per subject , in your study plan . Also make sure your study plan has enough space in it , so if something comes up one day , you can shuffle around your plan so that you don ’ t lose study time .
7 . Study in a silent place , so that your mind won ’ t be distracted from what you ’ re studying .
WINSPIRE : Empowering youth | February , 2017