to break down large goals into smaller actions that can are easier to carry out . If you leave your larger goals too vague , you may get confused and change your mind frequently on the ways to accomplish them . This is the purpose of creating systems . Like we often say , you know yourself the best . Once you ’ ve set your resolution , make a system that you can follow . Write down the steps and get started .
Specifi c


• Publicise your Resolution : The more people know about it , the more you ’ ll be encouraged to attain your goal . Friendly reminders or even sarcastic taunts do a great deal in keeping us on track . Make copies of your resolution and put them up everywherepaste it to a wall in your room , in your notebook , laptop , study table etc .
• Look at your list and reflect , using the SMART mnemonic . Make sure your goals are :


S – Specific ( or Significant ): This means your goals include systems for achieving them . You have specific actions that can be carried out that work towards your larger goal .
M – Measurable : This means that the changes you see once the goal reached is noticeable . You will feel different ( better ), because you are healthier , because your family or social life has improved , etc .
A – Attainable : This means that the goal is realistic and can be reached . There are benefits to aiming high , but you don ’ t want to aim so high that you become disappointed and discouraged from making any
changes at all if you can ’ t reach the goal you set . For instance , if you ’ ve never run a day in your life , don ’ t make running a marathon your goal quite yet . Perhaps start with shorter races like a 3K or 5K , and work up from there .
R – Relevant ( or Rewarding ): This means that there is a real need for your goal . You have been unsatisfied with a certain area of your life for some time , and you have a strong motivation to want to change it .
T – Trackable : This is similar to measurable , but means that you can assess your progress throughout the process . Have you made a schedule and are you following it ?
The objective of a New Year is not that we should have a new year . It is that we should have a new start . Unless a person starts afresh about things , he / she will certainly do nothing effective .
WINSPIRE : Empowering youth | January , 2017