WINSPIRE EMPOWERING YOUTH Issue 4 Volume 3 | Page 11

Happy New Year
fear of change . Look beyond “ I can ’ t ” and start substituting this with “ I can ” and “ I am ”. Identify your excuses for not going through with parts of your goal . By listing excuses , you can see them for what they are and move beyond the fear of change . Sidestep blaming other people or circumstances for not achieving your goals . If you take responsibility for achieving your goal , these external factors cannot sap your power to do what you ’ ve said you ’ d do .
• Recognize your self-defeating behaviours . Write down the things you do out of habit that distract you from what really matter . Then , list things that you consider to be more positive and fulfilling behaviours and choices you want to make instead . This includes adjusting the habits mentioned in a previous step , even if they were things you once enjoyed .
• Begin again if you slip up . Everyone encounters some difficulties that take us out of focus on our goals . But use one day mostly Monday as a restart day to begin


again . Don ’ t be too hard on yourself if you slip the process and remind yourself of the progress you have already made . Just start over it again on Monday .
• Lean on your support team . Whoever you ’ ve chosen to help you , be it family , friends , a life coach , therapist , or someone else , lean on them to support you through times of weakness , when you need a booster to get back on track . Don ’ t expect to do this completely alone ; look for other people ’ s advice , ideas and feedback to help you keep going .
• Keep a journal . Document at least one thing every single day in the following year for which you feel grateful and one sentence for the progress you have made . When writing , consider : What memorable moments can you draw from each day ? In what ways did you grow today or find that your awareness shifted ? Keeping note of this will help you to stay grounded and motivated with your goals .
The best resolution to make is Join in Winspire 5.00AM club . We will help you in reaching your goals . You just need to follow us .
1 . 6364
2 . 11.20 a . m . 3 . 138
4 . 56
5 . 8
6 . 7.5
7 . 216:36
8 . 40
9 . 225
10 . 280
Detective Puzzles : 1 . Holmes → 56 runs , Watson → 48 runs , Lestrade → 24 runs , Smith → 16 runs . 2 . Holmes → Great Criminals , Watson → Great Detectives , Hudson → Medicine , Moriarty → Police , Lestrade → The Cook book 3 . £ 2,250
Sources :


Happy New Year

Cover page cartoon : flipkart . com , Back cover idea Robinsharma facebook page . Cover story : www . wikihoo . com , Centre spread : http :// fundersandfounders . com ., Scientific facts thehindu . com . ; Indiabix . com ( Puzzles ); freepik . com ( story images ); GKtoday . com ; brainbashers . com ; jagranjosh . com ; education . com ( Science project ); huffingtonpost . in ; scoopwhoop . com ; logicalindian . com ( inverview )., indiatoda . com , economictimes . com ; shaerlokholmes puzzlesbytopbullimore ; yourstory . com .
WINSPIRE : Empowering youth | January , 2017