WINSPIRE EMPOWERING YOUTH Issue 4 Volume 3 | Page 10




• Create a schedule . Even more important than a specific deadline for your goals is to set a schedule of how you will reach the goal . Some goals are actually lifelong changes that you will continue after the goal is reached .
• Start following your plan immediately . Don ’ t wait for inspiration to strike . The best thing to do is start on January 1st and start tracking your progress . If you ’ re ready with your goal , don ’ t say , “ I ’ ll start tomorrow .” Start right away ! Starting may actually be the toughest part , but once you get into a routine it should become easier .
• Create accountability . Set up dates for evaluation with a mentor . This helps you to stay focused and evaluates methods for improvement . It ’ s even better if you find someone who has the same resolution .
• Remind yourself about your goals . For every day on your calendar or schedule , write down what you will do for that
What matters most to you ? Do that .
day , what time you will do it , and don ’ t forget to actually do it , no matter how busy you are .
• Focus on the process rather than the end goal . Take each step one at a time and be happy with your progress . The only way you ’ ll get to where you want to go is to complete every small step along the way , checking it off with pride as you accomplish each step .
• Create your environment so that you will accomplish your goals . It ’ s also good to get rid of habits that don ’ t coincide with your goals and may contribute to you being unable to reach them .


• Reward yourself . Determine ahead of time what rewards will be at small milestones of accomplishment . Have frequent small rewards and a “ grand prize ” for completion .
• Remind yourself of your successes . It can be hard to maintain your motivation and dedication to making a change in your life when you can ’ t see immediate results for your efforts . At each low point , have faith that is persisting and being consistent in reaching your goal will pay off in the long run .
• Face your fear of change . Fearing change often stops us from achieving a goal . Making a goal sounds good at the time , but then the fear of change surfaces . To avoid this happening to you , realize that your excuses are a way of covering up a
WINSPIRE : Empowering youth | January , 2017