Wingin' It - Arlington Municipal Airport Newsletter Wingin' It - Issue 3 - December 2014 | Page 3

Issue 3—December 2014 Want to Pass it On? Posted at the request of Chapter 34 Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) One of the goals of the EAA is to introduce youngsters to the joys and opportuni- ties of the aviation industry. We do this through our Young Eagles Program. Four or five times a year, we host a Young Eagles event where we offer free rides to children between the ages of 8 and 17. The pilots that participate in these events volunteer their time, airplanes and fuel so that a new generation can learn the importance of “keeping them flying”. Since March of 2013, Chapter 34 and its volunteers have flown more than 775 youngsters. In most cases, the Young Eagles event was the first time these children had been in a small airplane. The next step in this process is the EAA Aviation Academy. Each year, the EAA hosts a summer camp for students interested in pursuing a career in aviation. This is a one week immersion into all things aviation related. The cost is $750 for each child (plus travel). Chapter 34 is trying to raise money to send two students a year to this aviation camp and we need your help. Sponsoring a child would be $750 to $1,000. As a sponsor, you would receive a plaque acknowledging your support of the Young Eagles Program and the Aviation Academy. If you can’t sponsor, but still want to help, any amount would be appreciated – from $10 to whatever you can spare. We’ll combine your donation with others to send a child to camp. EAA is a 501(c)(3) organization, so all donations are tax deductible. To contribute to this worthwhile endeavor, please contact Tom Peters, Chapter President, at 817-219-3802 or Michelle Daniel, Chapter Vice-President, at 817-472-1000 or 817-718-6995. With your help, we can keep general aviation alive. You are invited to attend one of our monthly meetings. We meet the second Tuesday of each month (except in December) at the Arlington Airport Terminal at 7 p.m. Thank you, Tom Peters 3