Wingin' It - Arlington Municipal Airport Newsletter Wingin' It - Issue 12 - July 2018 | Page 2

Arlington Municipal Airport Newsletter RSAT Update The Runway Safety Ac on Team mee ng was held June 13, 2018. Clinton Tuggle, the ATCT manager, reminded pilots to always do the following:  Read back hold short instruc ons, and insure that the controllers hear the read back.  Ask the controller to repeat or further explain the instruc on, if you do not understand instruc ons. Vegeta on Management Update The Airport began a Vegeta on Management program early this year. Targeted herbicides are applied to curtail growth of specific types of grasses whose seed heads a ract birds. This also reduces the need for mowing in the movement area. Last year, Airport staff completed a record 19 mowing cycles. This placed an enormous strain on our personnel and equipment. The first applica on in March resulted in a significant decrease of grass growth, as expected. A second round was applied June 14th. Year-to-date, the aircra movement area has required 3 fewer mowing cy- cles than last year, allowing Opera ons staff me for other rou ne tasks, such as crack sealing, brush clear- ing, gate maintenance and weed control in non-movement areas. Bird count es mates will be taken to determine the effec veness of the spraying, and the results will be validated by a wildlife biologist during the annual Wildlife Hazard Management program review. Employee Highlights Cur ss Dawson— 20‐year Service Award Cur ss Dawson, Opera ons Maintenance Tech, celebrated 20 years of employment with the Arlington Municipal Airport on July 7, 2018. Congratula ons, Curt! Ma hew On veros—New Opera ons Maintenance Tech Ma On veros joined us May 21st as an Opera ons Maintenance Tech, filling the vacancy created when Joab Munoz le to accept a posi on with the Arlington Police Department. Please help us welcome him to the Airport! 2