Education Volunteers building bridges within the community S HEPHERDS DOWN SCHOOL is a special needs He’s drawn upon his sales and marketing school in Compton which caters for around 130 background to approach businesses, organisations children, aged four to 11 years. and individuals regarding fundraising and sought A happy and successful school, it provides an better deals from school suppliers, resulting in appropriate curriculum and a learning environment savings which can be passed on to bettering the for children, referred by the Local Authority, whose children’s school experience. complex learning difficulties cannot be met within A pool of local volunteers who could help with mainstream education. The school is spacious, ground maintenance is another initiative, one which well equipped and boasts excellent facilities set in saves a full-time salary and appeals to those happy attractive grounds. Areas of expertise include autism, to devote a few hours, on a regular basis. profound and multiple learning difficulties, speech/ For pupils with disabilities, who face serious language and communicating challenges. physical and mental challenges, some form of Volunteers like Mark Jenkins are working to raise personal assistance may be required for the its profile through two-way engagement – assisting duration of their lives. it to embrace the community and getting the “We need help in classrooms, but it’s a specialised community more involved by reaching out to the area, requiring, for example, not only high